0474 39 08 08 info@belogic.be
Camera vision system for serialization

Camera vision system for serialization

Camera vision system for serialization Project details Project type: switch board, serialization Customer: Sharp Packaging Solution Purpose: the system traces the unique codes on the bottles Project description At Sharp Packaging Solution, they produce packaging for...
PLC control of HVAC installation

PLC control of HVAC installation

PLC control of HVAC Project details Project type: PLC control programming Customer: Capsugel Purpose: Control HVAC installation by temperature/relative humidity Project description PLC control HVAC This project consists of an HVAC installation, which is controlled by...
Control cabinet buffering waste water

Control cabinet buffering waste water

Waste water management Project details Project type: waste water management, panel building Customer: Aquafin Purpose: buffering the waste water during heavy rainfall Project description Panel building and waste water management: The project consists of buffering the...
Panel building

Panel building

Panel building Project details Project type: panel building Purpose: build compact boards that are manufactured faster Project description Panel building and PLC automation: The project consists of: Designing and drawing electrical drawings in Eplan P8 Panel building...
Drawing electrical diagrams

Drawing electrical diagrams

Electrical schematics Project details Project type: drawing electrical schematics Purpose: design reliable automation projects Project description   Drawing Eplan Designing and drawing electrical drawings in EPLAN P8. BeLogic is more than a partner in drawing...